Das Boot, 1981

Das Boot, 1981 source image tmdb

Das Boot, 1981

Das Boot, 1981- We give you information about this movie. Featured Crew is Wolfgang Petersen (Director), Dean Riesner (Screenplay), Lothar G. Buchheim (Novel), Runtime 2h 29m and Original Language English. Making Das Boot, movie spend Budget $14,000,000.00 and earn Revenue $85,000,000.00. Das Boot, movie have genres DRAMA, HISTORY, WAR. This movie have score 100, Yes! Looking good!. The related keywords in the movie Das Boot, is terror, submarine, based on novel, atlantic ocean, gibraltar, movie streaming. This information can be from Homepage http://www.dasboot.com.

Download Das Boot, 1981

Before you see Das Boot, movies releasing this week at February 10, 1982. Good idea, if you watch movie trailers about Das Boot,. We have ready the best new movie trailers Das Boot, special for you.

source video by youtube / Das Boot, 1981

Description Das Boot, 1981:

According to themoviedb the movie is telling..."A German submarine hunts allied ships during the Second World War, but it soon becomes the hunted. The crew tries to survive below the surface, while stretching both the boat and themselves to their limits."... from themoviedb
Thereby at a glance about Das Boot, 1981. I hope, article review Das Boot, movie helpful for you and than please share the information of Das Boot, movie to your friends and family through social media, thanks. movie box

Source: themoviedb

Das Boot, 1981

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