They Live, 1988

They Live, 1988 source image tmdb

They Live, 1988

They Live, 1988- We give you information about this movie. Featured Crew is John Carpenter (Director), Ray Nelson (Novel), Runtime 1h 34m and Original Language English. Making They Live, movie spend Budget $4,000,000.00 and earn Revenue $13,008,928.00. They Live, movie have genres ACTION, HORROR, SCIENCE, FICTION, THRILLER. This movie have score 100, Yes! Looking good!. The related keywords in the movie They Live, is dystopia, social commentary, alien invasion, sunglasses, cult film, cinema showtimes. This information can be from Homepage

Download They Live, 1988

Before you see They Live, movies releasing this week at November 23, 1988. Good idea, if you watch movie trailers about They Live,. We have ready the best new movie trailers They Live, special for you.

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Description They Live, 1988:

According to themoviedb the movie is telling..."Nada, a down-on-his-luck construction worker, discovers a pair of special sunglasses. Wearing them, he is able to see the world as it really is: people being bombarded by media and government with messages like "Stay Asleep", "No Imagination", "Submit to Authority". Even scarier is that he is able to see that some usually normal-looking people are in fact ugly aliens in charge of the massive campaign to keep humans subdued."... from themoviedb
Thereby at a glance about They Live, 1988. I hope, article review They Live, movie helpful for you and than please share the information of They Live, movie to your friends and family through social media, thanks. movie dunkirk

Source: themoviedb

They Live, 1988

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